TM Tesoro is a real Spanish olive oil, which is produced at one of the best enterprises in Spain with a long history. The trademark appeared on the Russian market in 2000 and began to develop successfully due to the quality of the product, low cost and successful packaging design.

In 2016, the brand owners decided to expand the brand's product portfolio through new categories: canned olives and black olives, canned chopped tomatoes and various sauces and pastes. Our agency had to rebrand the company, taking into account its current positions and the planned expansion.

We began work on creating a new brand with an audit of TM and packaging. As a result, we identified problems with the target audience profile, positioning, slogan, brand block and design system. The brand was not designed for the emergence of other categories of products and could not solve new business problems for the client, so first of all we had to solve all the identified shortcomings.

After the audit, we moved on to qualitative research. We singled out the group of "culinary gourmets" among the target audience as the most frequently buying such products. This target audience appreciates the taste and premium quality of authentic foreign products and is not ready to replace them with a domestic counterpart. But it has to abandon premium-segment products and is looking for an opportunity to move to the middle price segment due to the new economic situation. There were practically no brands in this segment that would meet the needs of this audience group.

Thus, we found an opportunity for the transition of TM Tesoro from the lower price segment to the middle one, allowing it to obtain a higher value-added cost. As a result, we chose the strategy of "Leader in USP" for the brand.


Authentic Mediterranean ingredients delivered to your table.


Enjoyment, self-realization, authenticity, communication.

Style and intonation:

Authentic Mediterranean, traditional, neoclassical.


To give Russians the opportunity to join the Mediterranean gastronomy and feel its true taste.

Vision of the future:

Enter the Top 3 in each category, be present in all federal networks in all categories of Mediterranean products.

Brand essence:

Products by a direct flight from the Mediterranean .


Parcel from the Mediterranean.

Global positioning slogan:

By direct flight from the Mediterranean.

We left the logo style unchanged, because it fully corresponded to the style and intonation of the brand.

We replaced the black and aggressive yellow colors with a new corporate color that resembled a sea wave and was associated with the Mediterranean. Also we painted the letters with a delicate golden stroke, referring to the style of mid-20th century brands.

The brand's product portfolio is located on different category shelves in the store, so we paid key attention to the recognition of packages.

We chose a combination of the letter T (the most active graphic element on the package) and the color of the Mediterranean sea wave to solve the identification problem. Together they create a powerful brand block that is unmistakably recognizable on the shelf.

Additional attributes were placed on the packaging, emphasizing the premium status and authenticity of the product origin.

In order to make it easier for the consumer to select the right SKU, we provided an additional color identifier for each product. The color palette was developed taking into account the possible expansion of the product line.

We worked out the back side of the label to the smallest detail. We used an easy-to-read font in the corporate color, and the abundance of text was diluted with decorative elements like barcodes with a unique design.

We also developed a key visual and a primary set of brand communication tools: creative distribution of products for bloggers in the form of wooden boxes, associated with the brand metaphor, as well as “package pick-up points” — promotional stands at key points of sale. We prepared recommendations for maintaining social networks and drew up a plan for integration into social events.

As a result, we have a brand with a recognizable, but not catchy design and authentic character. Now everything — from metaphor to corporate colors — responds as accurately as possible to the needs of the target audience and helps to convey the brand’s key message to it.

If you need not just creative, but professional problem solving for your business, then you know who to contact. We at Opencore are always glad to see new projects!


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